Mnandi Restaurant Kasifried

Mnandi Restaurant Kasifried Mnandi Restaurant Kasifried Mnandi Restaurant Kasifried Mnandi Restaurant Kasifried Mnandi Restaurant Kasifried


F.O.O.D. M.E.N.U
● Chips 🍟
▪︎Medium R27
▪︎Large R37
● Chicken 🐔
▪︎Full R133
▪︎Half R66
● Quarter 37
● Quarter platter R40
● Wings
▪︎4 with chips 🍟 R40
▪︎6 with chips 🍟 R64.50
▪︎9 with chips 🍟 R80
▪︎12 with chips 🍟 R102
● Russian R20
● Services
♧ Dine-in🍽
♧ Takeaway
♧ Delivery (R10 around Crossin)

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Call 📞
076 951 1881

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